Darren Osleger

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Dec 1, 2022

Surgical fires are just as bad as they sound. 想象一下,你刚做了一次正常的麻醉后,在麻醉后护理病房(PACU)醒来, 做常规手术却被告知在麻醉状态下发生了火灾. While this sounds like something out of a movie, the dangers are real. 据估计,美国每年发生90到100起手术火灾, with an average of two surgical fires occurring per week.

Although surgical fires are serious events, they are preventable and if they happen surgical teams need to be prepared. In fact, NFPA 99卫生保健设施规范包括对所有手术室(OR)人员进行预防手术火灾培训的指导方针. 此外,CMS和其他医疗保健认证组织参考NFPA 99 2012版.

For example, The Joint Commission Environment of Care (EC) Standard 02.03.01, Element of Performance (EP) 11 requires that “periodic evaluations, as determined by the [organization], 是由外科手术过程中可能遇到的火灾隐患制成的吗. Written fire prevention and response procedures, 包括与使用易燃杀菌剂或防腐剂有关的安全预防措施, are established.” Also effective January 1, 2023, The Joint Commission EC.02.03.03, EP 7要求手术室/手术室每年进行一次消防出口演习,“包括适用的工作人员和持牌从业人员,重点是预防以及模拟灭火和疏散。.”

Surgical Fire Risk Assessments

Before beginning a procedure and prior to a single incision, the surgical team should conduct a surgical fire risk assessment (FRA). FRAs help identify critical risk factors (i.e., 热氧和燃料),可以很容易地纳入现有的常规程序,以确定其他围手术期评估和关注. For example, after a team has verified the correct surgical site, patient identification and allergies, 外科FRA将评估具体的风险因素,并包括一个评分机制,以确定手术的火灾风险是否高, medium or low. 评分是一种重要的工具,用于启动团队之间的公开沟通,并确保适当的外科防火程序和风险缓解策略到位.

Assessing Three Critical Elements: Heat, Oxygen and Fuel

Heat. 手术能量是病人体内或身上大多数手术火灾的点火源. 最常见的手术能量形式是单极射频能量,也被称为“Bovie”.” The Bovie converts electromagnetic energy into thermal energy, 它是组织的加热或能量装置本身作为火源. Devices like fiberoptic light sources, 激光和高速毛刺是其他可能引发手术室火灾的热因素. 医院需要向所有工作人员提供适当的教育,让他们知道何时使用皇家88账户注册些设备以及与每个设备相关的危害.

Oxygen. How does oxygen relate to surgical fires? 氧气可以帮助增强火焰,使它燃烧得更快、更强、更大、更亮. 在几乎所有的手术中,麻醉提供者给病人供氧. How they deliver that oxygen is very important. 开放输氧比封闭输氧系统对病人的威胁更大.g., patient being intubated). 可以使用某些降低风险的策略来限制富氧环境的可能性,以及在患者体内和周围集中或“帐篷”氧气.

Fuel. 控制热源和监测氧气如何进入是更容易控制的步骤. But fuel is all around us. Anything can be a fuel source, 从手术纱布和涂抹在患者皮肤上的准备液到纱布垫和手术毛巾. 根据制造商的指导方针,确保准备溶液完全干燥,并了解燃料源附近,可以大大帮助减少火灾发生的威胁,提高手术室的消防安全.

Surgical Fire Prevention Training and Education

医院和手术中心需要在教育和培训上投入时间,以帮助确保工作人员, surgeons and anesthesia providers are prepared to handle a surgical fire. 设施应该有一个适当的过程来处理气道火灾的扑灭, drape fires, 准备好手术室内可能发生的溶液火灾,甚至设备火灾. 所有设施都应该在其组织内部培训和实践皇家88账户注册些技术.

手术小组的不同成员也应该知道如何抑制各种类型的手术火灾. 例如,气道着火几乎总是由房间内的麻醉提供者处理. 麻醉提供者必须在拔管前停止供氧. 如果不皇家88账户注册样做,可能会导致火一直燃烧到病人的气道,并继续在手术室里燃烧.

Moreover, 紧急程序应明确界定外科团队成员的角色和责任,以确定他们在手术室发生火灾时如何协助疏散. 应确定适当的疏散地点,并与手术室环境相媲美. For example, if a patient is taken off oxygen, suctioning or monitoring, they need an evacuation site that can accommodate oxygen, suctioning and monitoring.

Take Steps to Prevent Surgical Fires

手术火灾是一件改变人生的事件,不仅对病人来说如此,对相关工作人员也是如此. 在皇家88账户注册种类型的火灾紧急情况下,外科团队是真正的第一道防线. 他们需要知道和理解手术过程中他们周围的危险. Our experts can help you develop appropriate, 现场操作的手术室消防安全培训和演练,以减少手术火灾中潜在的生命损失和伤害. Learn more about Jensen Hughes fire training services.