



COVID-19大流行 has changed how we do things across businesses and industries, in our public and private lives. We’ve gotten creative about how to do our jobs from a distance. 有些人怀念过去的生活方式, 但, 也许令人惊讶的是, we’ve also found new and better ways to go about business as usual.

执法及 调查 也不例外. 随着疫情的持续,生活在继续, our teams here at Jensen Hughes have had to get creative with how we conduct interviews supporting 调查s. 远程面试现在是皇家88娱乐日常生活的一部分. 使用正确的策略和工具, our interviewers have learned to gain equally useful results from a remote interview as they would in-person. We thought that sharing a few insights into what we’ve learned might prove helpful to others with similar objectives.


虽然大流行状况是暂时的障碍, 它带来的许多变化是永久性的. 的 new systems work better and make more sense in today’s technologically advanced world. 的 concept of a central office has faded, and remote and hybrid models continue to evolve.

调查 纷纷效仿. When remote interviews became the default during the pandemic, 调查人员发现它们有很多优势. For example, conducting the interview as quickly as possible is in everyone’s best interest. 延迟可能会引入漏洞,例如:

  • 难以追踪和追踪证据
  • 偶然的或故意的证据丢失
  • 减少对事件的回忆
  • 调查人员的职业倦怠
  • Regulatory or reputational risk to the organization and client

Conducting interviews remotely eliminates many of the barriers to expediency, including travel. 无论是视频会议还是电话会议, an interviewer can often virtually sit down with the subject in a tighter timeframe than when doing so in person.

另外, eliminating travel saves the client and the organization valuable funds that can then be used to defray other costs associated with the 调查.

9 Keys to Conducting a Successful Remote Investigative Interview

Although you’ll implement many of the same strategies you use in-person, follow these steps to help ensure success during a remote investigative interview:

1. 确定正确的设置如你是否在家, 在你的办公室, 在调查室或其他任何地方, ensure you have a private and quiet space without interruptions. When scheduling the interview, inform the subject they should do the same.

2. 让你的技术跟上速度: Do everything you can in advance to avoid delays or quality challenges in your systems – from your internet connection to your camera and voice controls. Engage a colleague to help you conduct a technical dry run. Ask the interviewee to ensure their connections and equipment are also effective and in place. Where you can, establish back up plans for systems where you can. 做好切换平台的准备.g.(团队/缩放).

3. 注意你在屏幕上的表现:在通话开始前测试摄像头. 避免深阴影或强烈的阳光. 选择一个中性的背景, such as a back wall with a simple painting or take advantage of the packaged screen backgrounds available on some call platforms like Teams.

4. 记住肢体语言: Try to sit directly in front of the camera – and lean in to establish connection and presence. Plan on spending at least a minute at the start of the call ensuring that you can see the interviewee appropriately and that they can see you.

5. 静音提醒和通知: 的se are most likely to be from your phone, computers or other nearby devices. 还要确保宠物在其他房间和, 如果你家里有孩子的话, 他们不会打断你的治疗.

6. 穿着得体: You may be at home, 但 your clothes should say you’ve got a job to do. Wearing professional clothing helps set the tone of the interview.

7. 运用职业操守再次:, 你的环境不应该决定你的穿着, 它也不应该决定你的行为. 皇家88账户注册是一个专业的视频或电话. You should act as you would in a professional setting, even if you’re at the kitchen table.

8. 准备是关键如果你有照片的话, 记录, 与主题共享的文档或道具, 直接在面试前还是面试中. 如果您需要翻译或其他补充帮助, arrange it beforehand and make sure you can conference the person into the call.

9. 消除对远程格式的任何不适: Consider “breaking the ice” in the beginning of the 调查 by briefly asking the interviewee if they are comfortable in the setting and if they need to make any adjustments to make the discussion more fruitful. Knowing whether the other person is anxious or uncomfortable can be important information that helps you adjust your interview approach – e.g., plan, tone, sequence of questions, and “small talk” – to achieve your interview objectives.

最后,不要满足于平庸. If you don’t achieve your objectives during the call, reschedule a follow-up discussion. Or, in some cases, make the follow-up an in-person interview. Outside of pandemic-related protocols, there may be no reason not to. 的 good news is you now have a choice in conducting an investigative interview and, 令人惊讶的是, 在许多情况下,远程选项可能是更好的选择.



马克Giuffre, CFE, CAMS, CPP is a Senior Director with a background in 调查s. 他受过训练, 有财务方面的经验和证书, 欺诈, 洗钱, 资产没收和安全计划.